Firstly I must apologise to all my readers for the lack of new information on this blog. I have been unbelievably busy lately, and just haven't had time to make new entries on my vindication blog. You won't believe how time consuming, it is to make new entries. I can honestly say people who do it on a weekly basis must have absolutely no lives....LOL.
I must also congratulate myself on receiving nearly 70,000 unique
visitors. Who would have thought a blog with such a small number of
entries would have such a high count rate. I must also thank those
70,000 people who have visited my blog. I think it just goes to show how
interested people are in Michael Jackson and his obsession
with unrelated young boys.
Anyway, I have some free time coming up soon, so stay tuned as I will be able to add more new entries to my super popular blog.
As I do not have a huge amount of time on my hands at the present moment this is a relatively short and quick post.
So onto the subject in question.
I want to bring people's attention to questionable parenting skills and Michael Jackson's clear obsession with boys of a certain age. The subject in question is, a woman called Joy Robson and her son Wade Robson both from Australia in the continent of Oceania.
I just want to make it clear that neither Wade or Joy Robson accused Michael Jackson of any wrongdoing.